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The protection of the people with Vegard Vinge and Ida Müller is safe. It is best to spread a senate representation for the culture of the dpa. This is the report from the “Berliner Zeitung”.
Cultural Senator Joe Chialo (CDU) has the interim intensity of the Norwegian theater directors and the Bühnenbildnerin nicht zande comb. “Aufgrund ihrer controversien Kunst has a bereicherung voor de Volksbühne und de Stadt Darstellen Können”, teilte Chialo weiter mit.
The next step is that you can follow the Absage sequence while cooking in the culture. It is the best way to do this: “The Gründe für die Absage may not be so good, a direkter of the Absage and the notlikken Sparmaßnahmen is not going to.” There is a clear view of the Duo with creative projects in Berlin , more active signals.
The Volksbühne started renovating and playing. The Volksbühne is a legal process. “The democratic supporters of the Berliner Senats naturally present themselves on the Volksbühne for great Herausforderungen,” said Sprecherin Lena Fuchs mit. Details about the Volksbühne can be used first, when the height or the joint community is reached.
The new intention for the Volksbühne in 2027 is not yet planned. It became an increasing challenge for the new planning as the interim intensive equipment. The bishige Intendant of the Volksbühne, René Pollesch, died in February in an extremely violent manner.
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